Friday, February 25, 2011

walk alone

bismillah ....

once again, unplanned making this one. hoho ... i just felt walk alone that time, since i was alone (apasi). hari-hari di minggu ini agak berat ya perasaan, secara minggu 'dapet' nih -____- and i hate this time, even this one is my destiny as a woman, you know, rite?

aaah i'm the one who love photograph, like farming, but marrying agroindustrial technology.


poster design


seperti yang saya janjikan, laporan desain poster saya. maaf ya, sudah menuju deadline nih, jadi sepertinya saya pakai yang ini saja :)

tidak begitu puas dengan hasil yang ini sih, tapi saya stuck terus di konsep seperti ini. sempat kepikiran buat ambil satu gambar seperti air mati, listrik mati, belajar bareng, atau nonton bareng, tapi sayangnya digital camera kesayangan saya, saya tinggal di rumah, dan laptop kesayangan saya juga sedang dipinjam kakak. alhasil alat bahan tidak memadai tapi ga jadi batasan apalagi alasan laaaah.

nyambung gak sih dengan tema "the days in the dorm"? nyambungin laaaaaah haha :p yap, soalnya itu yang menjadi tema lomba desain posternya. ngga optimis buat menang sih, soalnya emang ngga ngincar kemenangan, ya kalo menang alhamdulillah :D

sejujurnya saya menikmati sekali bidang yang satu ini. kalo bisa mengecam pendidikan di bidang ini saya pasti senaaaaaaang sekali. sayangnya, waktu itu FSRD ITB tidak membuka jalur SNMPTN, sedangkan biaya untuk ikut UM nya besar sekali bagi saya (curhat). kenapa ya ngga coba di universitas lain? heeeem, sepertinya saya belum punya cukup banyak informasi mengenai jurusan DKV (Desain Komunikasi Visual) yang bermutu itu terletak di univ mana, itu saja. hoho

alhamdulillah disyukuri saja yang sekarang, insyaAllah takdirnya di jurusan yang sekarang, toh saya juga tertarik dalam bidang pertanian. kalo masalah hobi kan bisa dilanjutkan otodidak hehe :D cao!


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Unfriendly Wi-Fi

bismillah ...

Holla Guys! Long time no see! hehe

my holiday has been end since 13th this February, but even i have so much free time in my dorm to online-ing, buuuuuuuuut when i'd arrived here, my favorite WiFi Hotspot named 'amarilis' was gone. That HOTspot had been always helped me to posting here, downloading and also uploading things. But, i thought it was replaced by new hotspot named 'DKSI Silvasari', even the spot was nearer (since it was in the living room) and the signal was full, the wireless network connection became 'limited or no connectivity' again and again. so i just decided to stop online.

But, it has been more than one week and made me sooo bored and uncomfortable, you know? i have paid some rupiahs to solve this 'internet' things here. -_- soooo, when my dad visited me last weekend, he asked me to bring my laptop to the visited area, and he fixed it, and voila! it works :D, i grateful much even when i shut my laptop down, then turn it on again, the WiFi keeps messing again.

Yeah, until now, i always trying to fix this thing alone. sometime it works, sometime not. gaaaah -_- ah if one of you can help me, please contact me via Facebook (text some message when you add me as friend that you are my blog reader), Twitter, or just here, thaaaaaanks.

well, i also wanna say that i'm sorry if i don't posting often like yesterday, but i will try to keep it updated :D and please help me to pray that my dorm's WiFi will be back friendly again, aaaamin :)

i draw him in Economy class, when i got sleepy, hoho

there were so much thing happened actually, but i will just summarized it.

1. my IP (semester final score) this semester did not reach my target, but i've been grateful much for that :D, i concluded that my bad is still in Physics.

2. i make a better plan this semester to get better for my final score, wish me luck! :D

3. i've participated a basketball competition which it held by TPB IPB's dorm called KOBAS (Kompetisi Basket), my team was lose since two or maybe three of us cannot play basketball well, hoho at least we participated, rite?

4. i am registered as a competitor in Design Competition which it held by TPB IPB's dorm too, wish me luck too! if i have finished the design, i will sure upload it here and ask for your comment before i send it :D but the deadline is coming over so it's possible if i upload it after i send it, okay?

5. my SRes (Senior Resident), you can called them sister's dorm who lead you to live, get it? they will be graduated from IPB tomorrow, so please congratulate them (i called them
Ukhti Rizky and Ukhti Fitri) i will miss them already, haaah :/

6. aaaaah! i'm in love with a korean drama, it is "Dream High" you guys should watched it, recommended! :D

i think enough today, and it's nice to present you a post again, guuuuys! :DJustify Full

love love,

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

i'm in a holiday

bismillah ...

my semester final score hasn't come yet, please wish me best luck! :D
since some of subject's scores have come out, i'm being soooo nervous.