Friday, May 27, 2011

I hate it

bismillah ...

Jadi [seolah-olah] bayangan itu gak enak ya, men. Gua baru sadar ternyata masa-masa seperti itu hampir selalu terjadi selama hidup gua. Ngerti kan? gua, lu, kita semua punya bayangan kan kalo berada di tengah cahaya, nah gak mungkin bayangan kita kan yang disapa atau diperhatiin sama orang lain, kecuali orang itu emang iseng merhatiin bayangan.

Kenyataannya, ngga ngerti gua lagi sensi, galau atau apa, gua sedang merasa aja menjadi bayangan, halah. And I definitely hate it. I hate being a [someone's] shadow. Haha. Ada masanya gua pengen menertawakan hidup gua sendiri, ada masanya gua sangat bersyukur atas hidup gua, human are never satisfied, right?

the shadow of a tree at Fakutas Kedokteran Hewan, IPB

Gua emang ngga pernah memutuskan dan ditakdirkan untuk eksis, fortunately-or unfortunately gua hidup di sekeliling orang-orang eksis, berprestasi, segala macem. Mungkin itu sebabnya, berdiri dan berjalan beriringan dengan seorang eksis membuat gua terlihat seperti bayangannya. Kemana-mana berdua. Dari jaman SD gua selalu pernah 'kemana-mana berdua'. SMP, SMA, Kuliah -_-.

Mungkin, salah satu tempat yang paling tidak membuat kemungkinan gua menjadi bayangan adalah rumah. Itu juga, tanpa gua sadari, menjadi salah satu alasan kenapa setiap weekend gua menyempatkan pulang ke rumah. Rumah menjadi charger gua. Di hari Jumat lu berasa lowbat, pas Sabtu lu pulang, Senin balik kuliah lu berasa fresh and full battery. That's home. Sayangnya minggu ini gua gak pulang dan kegalauan akan berlanjut, kecuali gua sendiri bisa mensugesti sugesti gua, halah.

Mungkin ini, postingan satu ini, hanya sebuah intermezo kegalauan gua, yang kalau besoknya gua baca ini tulisan, gua akan ketawa-ketawa, ha ha.

that's an originally my.photoart project, February 2009

Gua ga pernah bilang selamanya gua menjadi bayangan ya, ada masa-masanya. Apasi, May. Tunggu, coba deh lu ambil positifnya (kali gua punya temen senasib yang butuh dampak positif) mungkin orang gak tau, bukan kita yang nempel ke orang eksis itu, tapi sebenernya, mereka yang butuh kita. Gua merasakan, sih. E he he.

That's why we all have to always think and believe that Allah is with us, He is around us. He will never created a thing to be a crap, rubbish or anything bad. World is like a wheel that is spinning, man. There is a time when we are above and below something.

Innama al usri yusro. There is simplicity after difficulty.

Thanks ya Allah for creating me with an ability to make a positive thing of something.

Sometimes we need to bring it out of our mind, that problem, i mean.
Be strong!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

just emotion


Even words can't describe better than an emotion which come out from human's hearts. Peace, love, and gawl.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Converse vs Crocs

bismillah ....

Long time no see (no posting?) guys. I feel having no mood to posting something here nowadays. But i do still blogging, browsing, downloading, or just Facebook-ing and Twitter-ing.

People do get bored, right? At least, that is what i had yesterday class. I had some, what you called it? dilemma, or something like that when you having Religion Class but you feel sleepy, but you don't want to sleep because that's a Religion Class. Get what i mean? just whatever.

It's not because i don't like that lecture, but the lecturer. I myself just like the old man who i don't remember his name, who lectures better than yesterday class lecturer, r. But i still got some lecture from yesterday class, it's something about riba and mu'amalah.

What i want to explain in this posting is about what i had done when getting bored. Especially while having class. Sometimes i just drawing something on a paper, or borrow my friend's handphone and took some pictures around the class.

I took some pictures yesterday, in the Religion Class, about my shoes which i never wear it for a long time. Actually that belongs to my sisters, but since she never even look at it, i just take and wear it whenever i want. I love it even it had been belel. I first wore it in junior high school's trip, then i have wore it when senior high school's trip too. And now i even still am wearing it in college, hoho.

It's Converse, you know? The green one! Yay!

I am a Sneakers lover, the well branded one or just a market branded one, ehehe. Since it's look cool and comfortable, i'd like to buy it.

Have you ever once compare Converse with Crocs, i will not say i have, but just took a picture to compare them, ehehe. Opinion is just an opinion, right? I prefer mine, of course since i have not had Crocs one :P

Glad to posting something here,

Thursday, May 12, 2011


bismillah ...

Long time no posting something, and online-ing. I have just finished two books of novel, and another tasks and college thingy. I prepared so much things i want to share here, but all that i realll want you to know are

i miss my family,
my real one,
and second one.

Even almost every weekend i visit my family, they are always stay in my heart and that's why i always miss them. And my second family, Aksel2, i miss them all. Messing around in the class, especially every single things happened there, i miss them all. i once drew a map of my class, see how i miss them, in a middle of Calculus class.

I really miss you all, guys, gays.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Random Photos

bismillah ...

Bosen nih abis ngerjain tugas, dan ada 1 deadline yang diundur jadinya males ngerjain hahaha.

Lagi di sela-sela ngerjain tugas Ekonomi Umum, pengen aja ngeabadiin posisi efektif terbaru gua di kamar asrama hoho, jangan ditiru kalo ngga profesional (semoga abis ini ngga dimarahin Kakak sama Bapak, amin).

Laptop taro di jendela, soalnya meja udah penuh, hehe. Jadi bisa ngerjain tugas sambil online dan download, HAHA krik. Setelah liat foto ini, baru sadar betapa 'rapi'nya meja gua -__-.

Yang ini foto monopoli dan duit-duit, pas gua, Sara, dan Mega lagi main monopoli di kamar Sara dari jam 8 sampe jam 11, abis itu kita main ular tangga.

Foto paling random malam ini, Si Botak dan Kero di kotak notes gua haha. apasi
