Saturday, November 27, 2010

a letter to you


saturday midnight, at home

hi dude, how's life? i know it's impossible that you'll read this e-letter :) but let me try to write something, you know, just to let my feel out.

next December will be 3 months left after you visited me, i mean us, my family.

i still dreaming that some day i will visit you, and i think it'll be lovely in winter time! dreams do come true, remember?

by the way, i'm fine, and mom, dad, ka mega, mitha, they're good. how's your parents and ka virgi?

my college stuff are amazing. you should have these things quickly to know how i feel :)

however, problems are always around. stressed, going mad, then die, lol. i can solve it, don't worry :D

home always remind me that you've been here

well, take care!

time is ticking :D

Sunday, November 21, 2010

me and my crystal life

bismillah ..

i live my life with my own rights
no any preasure, even force

i choose what i want to
even just walking trough the way

i learn from what i've seen, i've heard, and i've felt
and i conclude every single knowlegde i've accepted

i have rights to do anything with responsibility
because this is my crystal life, which is shiny and beauty, not always tough

i hate when people judge another in the first sight
even first sight is naturally important

i probably selfish, but this is what i've chosen to confess what i want to

my crystal life
always try to shine the whole life, even in the darkest place

with pleasure,

Saturday, November 20, 2010

my dorm's wifi is gone

bismillah ..

it's gone
and it has been one week left
and now, here, i'm laying my head upon my pillow
i'm texting in my phone, just wanna posting this post
it's hard to believe, actually
there is no more free wifi
fiuh ..
this is called a destiny
so try to accept all of it
with hope you'll accept more

be strong,

Friday, November 12, 2010

what a mark

bismillah ...

tetap bersyukur, tetap berusaha ...

cause i got this one ..

"karena kita jatuh untuk berdiri kembali" - pak SDM, dosen Kewarganegaraan IPB

Wednesday, November 10, 2010



"subhanallah warlhamdulillah walaailaahaillallah wallahuakbar"

setiap keyakinan akan membuahkan hasil, namun tanpa ridhoNya hasil takkan ada guna.

terima kasih untuk awal yang baik kali ini ya Allah, semoga yang selanjutnya akan mengikuti si 'awal' ini atau bahkan lebih baik, aaamin.


Monday, November 8, 2010

desk or mess? what-so-ever

bismillah ...

"i'm just ... messing around, kind of such things like rubbish, yeah, now, in time, i'm kind of those things, it feels like tomorrow is my 'day', what a damn :/

it also seems like a dilemma.

tonite, i'm sitting silently in front of my desk, doing such thing mean less, thinking of nothing, and you know it's just empty. so what's the problem? i don't know, ha ha, seriously.

so November, eighth 2010 is my dilemma day! ha ha -_-

i thought maybe it's because of post-midterm, you know the situation, the atmosphere really don't boost the mood, my mood by the way. but that thoughts suddenly disappeared and change to be another-irresponsibility-reasons; broken heart (WHAT?!)
oke, ini sudah jauh dari sebuah standar kewarasan -_- demen ama siapa aja gak jelas, sakit hati ama siape lu may? ck -__-"

so, it's the end of the post, my desk of mess, even those photos seem represent my day today, ha, eat it guys! (well, don't really 'eat' it)

"Because a fear never will make you life." - Maya Ramadhayanti

what a, style?

bismillah ...

alhamdulillah, puji syukur kepada Allah marilah kita panjatkan ke khadirat Allah swt, karena atas berkat rahmatNya-lah UTS SELESAIIIII, tapi gak bisa seneng-seneng amat dulu karenaaaa, nilai-nilai belum keluar, fuuuh -__-, doaken yaaaak :D

tapi gua tetep seneng sih, soalnya abis UTS gua pulang dari kamis ampe senin kemaren, ciakakaak (baca: makan gratis), dan sekarang kembali ke aktifitas biasa; kuliah. bismilllah (meski jiwa-raga belum bisa diajak kompromi; mager [males gerak])

nah ini, biasa, gua iseng gitu deh -_- nge-webcam sebelum berangkat kuliah, kebetulan, style, halah yag sering gua pake nih yang kayak gini, haha -_-

maklum bukan model, iseng wey :p

yang jelas kagak ber-merk semua -_-, gelang jogja hadiah nyokap (dimana-dimana ada), jam tangan wanita klasik hadiah kakak (merknya sih Calvin Klein -_-), kaos gambar kodok dari jogja juga, kemeja flanel kotak-kotak beli di Ramayana, kerudung Paris abu-abu muda, celana jeans abu-abu kecoklatan itu aslinya, sepatunya kagak kefoto, biasa sneaker se-tumit warna item :D

*efek sering mampir ke blog si cantik dianarikasari -__-

"salah satu motto hidup: murah meriah (murah tapi nyaman dipake :D)"

have a try!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

love love journal!

bismillah ...

me, huh? -__-

hey guys, i think today was soooooooooo hard for me, because of physics, actually, geeez -__-. so gimme' some time to get a fresh, and what a fresh? *thinking*



okay, an easy topic is just let me introduce some of miracle in my ordinary journal. well doesn't matter rite if mine is just ordinary? :D ordinary but originally no offense, lho. i love those words!

well, i have an 'old'-journal, it doesn't seems like a diary, or notebook. so just call it 'journal', deal? yeaaa :D i call it journal, because i wanna have a journal, even just for writing things or drawing :D

those are, just a piece of my journal's contents, have a time!

first page :)

i had been studied too long, duh :/

it's just what i called wasting time, ha!

what do you thing? haha never mind, i think so that it was just a garbage, rubbish or something, seriously -__-, so do you want to know what does the process seems like?

mommy :*

that's it, your comment is a honor for me, so i will love to know what your comment is :D i know exactly that i still having much wrong or something, haha, even my english -__- but i believe that just Allah who has every single perfection :).

fuuuuuh, tomorrow will be my last-midterm-day, ha ha ha, keep wishing me luck, you guys! :D


i'd love having a p.s in my end of post
those picture is mine, taken by SE K320i, edited by me too :D

quote of the day

bismillah ...

"Karena sesungguhnya sesudah kesulitan itu ada kemudahan. Sesungguhnya sesudah kesulitan itu ada kemudahan." -
(Q.S Al Insyiraah: 5-6)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

tomorrow midterm

bismillah ...

"tomorrow's physucks"

image's source

"because dreams are future which hide by time, if you keep trying to catch them" - Maya Ramadhayanti

wish me luck!

Monday, November 1, 2010

truly who?

bismillah ...

hi, good afternoon :)

suddenly and surprisingly crossed and spinning around in my mind, yeah,
it's totally you

i thought that i miss you, rite now

i still remembered less than 24 hours we've done in september end, i remembered a lot when you pretended to not be sleepy when clock said it was 11 pm -it's mean you have to go back home- but you didn't go back till your aunt looking for you, and you finally gone after said;

"see you next five years, maya"
i screamed at loud, in my heart, "don't go, ever"

i've been like that, waiting for last five years before your coming, and it feels like thousand years until i thought that you wouldn't coming, but you are coming! hard to believed it that time.

suddenly those memories forwarding like a cassette, my favorite is when you saved me from an angry ma'am, our neighborhood. and when you cried because o' me but you didn't angry then suddenly laughing. when we were young.

everything happened while time is ticking in five years i'm waiting. when i loved someone, when i forgot about you, when i'm alone. but it was totally cool when you came. when you called me. when you forgot to speak indonesian, when i shocked to hear your heavy voice but nice.

you love our country's cuisine. 'everything in here are totally ghetto!' you said. you love doraemon, you love sugus. i remembered when we said two different things but still have same meaning; blessing him and alhamdulillah, to my dad. and i remembered when you took your head down and made your hand like you wanted to pray before eat some meal together, with me too, and that is my favourite thing on you; your strong-senses of religion, yeah you

i love the way you pray, nasrani yeah christian, but what is wrong? he's still a human like us, rite? but you are just always be my best brother ever, we just love each other like a family. and when the next five years we meet, we'll show our future. when i bring someone walking together beside me, and you too.

because, you're always be my miracle, in my life you never changed, you're always be mine, forever

for the-truly-best-friend
in somewhere out there
bets regards


trees gone, those all really gone

bismillah ...

"DAMN!" satu kata pertama yang mewakili perasaan gua pas pertama kali gua balik ke asrama hari ini, siang tadi (karena dari sabtu kemaren gua pulang ke rumah).

pas banget, masuk kamar tumben gerah, buka pintu balkon, and there it is or there it is NOT!seriously hampir nangis ngeliatnya (serius gua, gak me-lebay ini -_-)

pohon jambu yang hampir panen plus pohon rambutan, di halaman muka balkon gua HILANG, terlihat jelas dari bekasnya pasti ini abis digundulin, gak peduli siapa pelaku atau pun alasannya (egois abeees) balikin pohon-pohon beserta ekosistemnya ke tempatnya semula, SEMULA!!! shoot'em all!

kemana tupai-tupai dan jejangkrikan yang biasanya terdengar keberadaannya di setiap saat, tepatnya di pohon-pohon itu?
serius, mereka gak pernah berhenti cuit-cuit. tapi yang sekarang kedengeran cuma mesin-mesin yang lagi bekerja sepanjang hari, what a miracle i've got!

udahan ah, capek marah-marah, takut jatohnya suudzon sama Allah, ayo istigfar; astagfirulllah, astagfirullah, astagfirullah.

"Ya Allah, kalau ini memang takdirMu, aku selalu percaya ini adalah yang terbaik, aamiin..."

saya, dari awal, tidak pernah mengeluh dengan 'kehutanan' asrama saya,
saya kecewa sekali, dengan penebangan -atau penggundulan? yang, gak hanya dua pohon tadi- yang telah terjadi.



what sooooo disappointed :/

never care with those ugly-quality-photo, which taken from my mobile phone