Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Project Number One: Pattern

bismillah ...

Assalamualaikum! Long time no see :D How are you guys doing?

I did edit contrast and brightness of those photos.
Please do NOT copy any of those photos without my permissions :)

I have just finished a beautiful yet exhausting trip. So much memories and experiences that I found :) Alhamdulillah. Later I'll write it to you all, insyaAllah. Well, I actually did some project in that trip, hehe. And, the first one I wanna show you is this one. What I get from hunting for pattern :D. At around the end of 2012, I officially in love with patterns. So, I'm trying to make them myself, not only googling for it. And it comes to so much interesting! At first, I thought I'll get more than this. But yeah, this is my first time anyway :). Can you guess what part is all of it? They are all easy things. Hehe.

See you next project! And enjoy your remaining holiday! :D

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

My Mind is Bothered

bismillah ...

Something is disturbing my mind. I even can not study properly and now it's totally not efficient to study in this kind of condition. How it feels when you are in an uncomfortable state but you can't burst it out? I think this is the feel. It is like you are sad, but you can not cry, because the amount of sadness itself is too much. The tears won't coming out. But I don't think this is because that I am sad. I even had my conversation already with my only best creator of the whole universe, Allah Swt. But, as we now, the answer will not come in a straight way. I must find it. And it comes to wasting my time (in state: rather than studying Operational Research for tomorrow exam) to just thinking hard why do I become like this. Is it because I am not satisfied enough with what I've done in final exam that still two subjects left? Or what. I'm kinda frustrated. I'm kinda frustrated, Ya Rabb. Astagfirullah.

Have you heard psychological conflict? Yeah. You have something that bother your mental, inner, or whatever it's called. Not as much as psycho has. Just something is bothered of something, that I don't know what, so, guilty-like-feeling comes. Mind becomes creepy if something's not right. Maybe the way out is to just setting your suggestion. But, now it's kinda hard too. I know sleep maybe can help. Maybe my mind is just too exhausted because of today exam. Maybe my mind is already arrived at saturated point. But, how can I sleep if I haven't studied yet for tomorrow morning exam? Can I repeat? Tomorrow MORNING exam. And now is already 'tomorrow'. Argh. Well played, May.

It's time for conclusion. So, Maya has to move on from her blog to start studying Integer and Dynamic Programming. I just have to say some spell to erase these crap things. Swaaah! (Hand's moving like a magician. pret). Voila! Matter resolved!

I know. I'm already weird.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Selamat Pagi!

bismillah ...

Assalamualaikum! Halo siapapun yang iseng mampir blog saya, how was your day, yesterday? Hehe whatever happened, just make today be better, then! :D Actually today pagi Bogor totally comfy to continue my sleep. Makanya iseng online biar melek cause today is second day of final exam. Masa, hari kedua udah tidur mulu (padahal dari hari pertama juga tidur mulu, sih). Ups.

Nah, semalem juga. Mata udah kriyep-kriyep belajar akhirnya iseng edit-edit gambar saya. Eh abis beres kemaleman jadi tetep akhirnya tidur juga :p. Oya, fyi, jadi inspirasi saya untuk urusan desain grafis, blogging, sama drawing itu dari mas yulianzone dan mba dianarikasari. Kayaknya udah pernah bilang juga sih. They are totally have cool sense of art, and also entrepreneur! Maka dari itu style saya masih ngga jauh-jauh dari mereka. Jadi, sebenarnya saya belum punya ciri khas sendiri huhu. Gapapa yah masih belajar.

And this is it. Perpaduan khas-nya mba Di yang suka pake foto-foto pattern untuk desain grafisnya (wool, brooch, tie, etc), dan teknik coloring ala-ala mas Yulian, ngga gitu mirip sih soalnya saya cenderung mewarnai langsung pake brush, tapi ini juga pake pen tool. Ini gambarnya sebenernya rada ngarep. Pengen punya topi anget kayak gitu juga :3 (gatau namanya apa) soalnya Bogor lagi dingin, hihi.

Oke, Semangat UAS!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Hallo 2013 :)

bismillah ...

Hallo 2013. Tidak terasa yah, oke terlalu klise. 2012 memberikan saya begitu banyak kejutan. Banyak hal yang membuat saya bisa sampai ke 2013 dengan membawa beberapa tentengan, walaupun saya tidak punya target yang jelas selama 2012. Tidak sedikit juga guncangan dan segala keluh kesah yang ada di 2012. Tapi, 2012 telah memberi saya banyak pelajaran berharga, 2012 memberikan saya kesempatan untuk  merasakan hal yang ngga-itu-itu-aja. Saya di 2012 adalah saya yang mulai berani melongok keluar zona nyaman, meski belum terbiasa berjalan keluar terlalu jauh, sehingga sering kembali lagi.

Harapan saya dan target-target saya di 2013 belum sepenuhnya ter-list. Tapi saya cukup ingat apa-apa yang ingin saya capai di tahun ini. Seiring berkurangnya usia dan waktu saya di dunia transit ini, saya ingin menjadi orang yang lebih baik lagi, muslim yang lebih baik lagi, anak yang lebih baik lagi, teman yang lebih baik lagi, dan kolega yang lebih baik lagi. Seperti harapan orang lain, saya ingin menjadi lebih baik lagi di 2013, dengan cara saya sendiri. 2013 insyaAllah menjadi tahun saya berumur 20 tahun. Karena itu saya ingin melakukan banyak hal yang lebih baik, dan lebih bermanfaat di awal kepala 2 saya. 

Harapan adalah doa. Doa adalah mindset. Karena itu;
Semoga target-target saya tahun ini tercapai, Aamin. :)

Semangat menyambut pergantian tahun dengan menjadi lebih baik lagi!