Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Grateful increased!


Hi guuuuuuuys! long time no posting here to chill out with you, haha. Alhamdulillah midterm scores are out one by one, and I'm grateful with all of it :). Well, this month is the gratefulness month this year I think. Because there are much super cool things happened, alhamdulillah :).

Congratulations for my beloved super cool sister, Mega who finally got a job :) I'm totally proud of you, Kak! Wish you can got more and more faith from Allah, aamin. Don't forget to share your first salary with me yaaa AKHAKHA :D.

Never stop give a bunch of love and thanks for my parents who always give me strength, love, warm, and things that I want, hoho :*. Alhamdulillah.

Well, i wanna share you TPB Cup's photos. Credit as well for Tiya :D

left to right: Tiwi, Me, for get her name (sorry), Nada, Fika, Echa, Farda.

Get a blast and fighting! :D

Monday, April 18, 2011

Weekend and The first day after Midterm

bismillah ...

Alhamdulillah, sabtu kemaren ditamuin Tika sama Ibnu. Ternyata mereka membawa boks kardus coklat sekitar setengah meter kali setengah meter, haha. KADO! yayness! Sayangnya itu kado fotonya ngga kebawa di kamera digital, hiks. Nyusul deh, pokoknya alhamdulillah dikadoin haha.

Hari pertama pasca UTS, hampir telat kelas kalkulus jam 8, secara balik dari rumah jam setengah tujuh hehe :D. Malemnya ngerjain laporan biologi yang tinggal satu itu, tapi dateng si Mayang tetangga depan, terus kita saling memperlihatkan buku tahunan, bukannya ngerjain laporan yang menjadi niat awal -_-.

Terus datenglah si Ine tetangga ujung, terus kita malah ngobrolin masa-masa SMA dan flashback masing-masing haha. Jadi kangen #unyumoment.

Hari ini pendek aja gapapa yah haha, bye! (ketawan males nulis)


Thursday, April 14, 2011

IPB is sporty

bismillah ...

Yeah alhamdulillah lagi hari ini seru sekali :D. Tadi sore saya berpartisipasi dalam acara TPB Cup, lho. By the way, TPB Cup itu event rutin acara TPB IPB tiap tahun, isinya lomba olahraga macam maraton keliling IPB, futsal, basket, catur, dan handball. Lagi-lagi saya ikut acara olahraga, meski sejujurnya dan kenyataannya saya tidak handal dalam bidang satu itu, haha. Tapi ngga ada salahnya lah ya kan, rame-ramein acara.

Meski cuma sebagai cadangan yang cuma main di menit-menit terakhir, tapi seru aja ngeliatin Tiwi, Vika, Devi, Nada, Echa, Em, dan lain lain lah, main basket ngelawan kelas A berapa gitu tadi, lupa :p. Lumayanlah kalah tapi skor 8-10. Ngga cuma cewek doang, sebenarnya saya juga nonton pertandingan basket cowoknya, kalah juga sih, tapi it's okay kok. Ya, intinya yang penting tali persaudaraan makin erat, persediaan 'happy' makin nambah :D alhamdulillah.

Ceritanya agak-agak ya, ekhem ambigu. Pagi tuh jam delapan udah rapi tapi karena nunggu Tiwi yang telat padahal dia maraton jam 8.30 dan ternyata acaranya juga ngaret, jadi it's okay kita tiba di Gym IPB bersama Legend jam sembilan. Nungguin anak cowok ngebasket jam sebelas, malah ngaret sampe jam satu siang ahaha, tapi seru kok. Abis itu saya balik ke asrama dan tidur siang karena dijadwalkan basket putri yang mulai jam dua akan diprediksi ngaret jam empat.

Eh, ternyata saya dibangunkan oleh Tiwi secara tiba-tiba bagai mimpi, halah, jam tiga, dan tadi hujan deres, bangets. Terus kita bingung mau berangkat naik apa, karena kita buru-buru katanya udah mau mulai. Dan kita berakhir di dalam mobil yang disetir Alif bersama Faisal (asik dijempuuuuuuts) dan pulangpun diantar Nada sama Tiya, yey :D. Makasi yah kawan-kawan semuanyaaa.

Kenapa ya saya kasih judul post ini 'IPB is sporty'? Hem, karena entah mengapa, selama saya kuliah disini hampir dua semester, saya sudah berpartisipasi dalam event olahraga tiga kali, dan selama seminggu dua kali saya olahraga di semester 1. Kalo event olahraga, mungkin karena emang yang mau dikit kali ya, jadi karena saya kasian jadi saya ikutan. Boleh lah, negative thinking-nya gitu :p. Positifnya, olahraga itu kan juga refreshing, ya ngga? apalagi abis UTS yang nguras otak dan perut, lho?

Senengnya lagi, saya dapet oleh-oleh baju futsal yang digunakan untuk pertandingan basket, haha. Kembaran juga sama yang cowok, sama yang main handball, sama yang main futsal. Mesennya sih nomor punggung sebelas, ekhem, tapi karena miss komunikasi, saya malah dapet nomor tujuh belas, ngga nyangka yang mesen nomor sebelas di kelas besar (B03-B04) tiga orang -_-. Kayaknya emang ngga jodoh sama nomor sebelas ya, haha, krik.

Ah ya, mau nginfoin event akbar milik anak-anak Teknologi Industri Pertanian (TIN) yaitu Agroindustrial Fair! Kelengkapan lebih lanjut bisa diakses disini. Thanks :D

Picture nyusul ya, gan! hehe

Besok pulangs, yes

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Midterm was just end, next is finalterm!

bismillah ...

Soo much grateful for finishing this semester midterm with a strong heart and a big confidence :D. I hope my scores will get stronger too, since the last scores was so disappointed, amin.

There were a lot of things that i've changed for this midterm, better of course. And i think it will bring so much good things too, amin. In last midterm week in semester 1, i don't have any plan and strategy for fight it, i just study what i want, and kept thinking that it's all gonna be well even i did not study hard like others. And, its scores tells the same, krik. I've got so bad, haha. But still grateful and starting better works since then.

I do start a better works. Mentioning every single important things that lecturer gave, and make it a note, so i will not just kept it in my brain, because i can't set my brain as a hard disk that i can open every time i want.

When i have a note of every subject (well, not every subject) and have mentioned lectures in classes, i can study better when test come closer. Logically, my brain do mention when my eyes read my notes.

Not just it. I manage my time better than before like how long i have to sleep, and when will i start study. And when studying i start it with saying basmallah and just kept thinking to study as hard as i can just like not counting how much page i have to read, and how much part i have to learn, but of course not forcing my brain. Because of that way, i can learn more than i've predicted.

When you feel sleepy and can't hold it even just for minutes, just get a sleep, but make sure you'll wake up in a morning to start study again. :D when you have a passion and intention, you'll go get it, rite?

Oh, and the important things are keep your body and brain fit, and also keep continuing your pray. :)

And since i did better works for this midterm, i hope my scores and you all get better too, amin.

Just wanna share, guys!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Graduation Day, great day!

bismillah ...

whoa, guys, today was sooo great! alhamdulillah :D even since yesterday my day was great too because Dad bought me a new cool bag and a book as a late birthday gift, happy and sooo much grateful, thanks Allah! :D

my day today start with, of course pray Shubuh. Then take a bath and have breakfast. i was just seeing my older sister, Mega, who would have being graduated this morning, busying herself and my mom, and finally she chose to go to Salon.

Me, Mitha, Mas Mpur, and Dad picked my mother and Mega up and heading to JCC (Jakarta Convention Center). You know? the spiritual side of graduation of fresh graduate is sooo cool! it's my first time :p watched everyone taking pictures of their happiness with all of their family. Even they take a walk to the building from their house! completely wearing formal clothes, how sweet and soo unyu.

There were so much 'road photographer' what we called them, eh? fotografer jalanan. they kept taking our pictures. i feel like being a star, lebey.

The ceremony went well, and sleepy :p but we all, my family, soo much glad to heard, that the announcer announced my sister graduation as a Cumlaude graduate. I saw my parents faces, and they looks so happy. My mother kept asking how you pronounce it Cum-Laude. haha

After that, we formally took graduation picture. Then went to a resto named 'Soto Gebrak' at BSD, hoho, why we chose BSD for having lunch? because my mom requested it, lol.

so happpyyyyyyyy, alhamdulillah :D

Dad, Kak Mega, Mom

Kak Mega, Mas Mpur (her fiance)

always fill your heart with happines!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Asrama A5 Sylva, best dorm ever

bismillah ...


those photos are from this post

Tidak terasa, insyaAllah hari-hari saya di asrama akan berakhir 90 hari lagi. Ketika surat putusan 'pengusiran' mulai ditempelkan di setiap pintu kamar, memori mulai berputar kembali pada masa pertama kali tiba di asrama, hari-hari progress yang naik, proses-proses yang tercipta dan ilmu yang bertambah satiap waktunya, dari A5 Sylva.

As you know, guys, if you have read a similar post about my dorm. it has a lot of positives. Asrama di IPB, yang terpaksa dijadikan sebagai asrama TPB IPB tambahan tahun ajaran 2010/2011, menjadikan tempat yang penuh dengan kenangan, yang sebeneranya berat untuk ditinggalkan. Berat untuk meninggalkan semua hal di asrama.

Jadi kalian angkatan 48 tahun ajaran 2011/2012, beruntunglah kalian insyaAllah bisa tinggal di asrama unik ini. asrama yang baik wujud dan spritualnya beda dari asrama yang lain. Jika mungkin, saya inginnya, tidak perlu mencari kesana-kemari tempat nanti saya akan melanjutkan hidup di tahun kedua dan setelahnya.

A5 Sylva dengan segala isinya termasuk kekeluargaan yang erat, tidak ingin saya tinggalkan, hiks.

Tetap semangat A5! we are the first generation of new thing! :D


bismillah ...

i have just passed 3 days of midterm test this weekend, and still have 3 more subjects left. i hope i will do the very more best than before, since i feel comfort and -not too- satisfied for the last 3 subjects i've done. wish me luck!

aaaaaaand, for this post subject is my surprise this April! "Boneka Flanel Wisuda" for my beloved sister. actually she will be graduated tomorrow, but i think that maybe she will busy because of girl things, you know, make up. and her friends, will congrats her when we arrived, maybe. and then, i think, my present will have no attention, halah. so i give it to her this afternoon, and she do really surprised! happy! :D

wanna see her miniature? oh by the way, my sister name is Mega Putri Anggreni,S.Kom. please congrats her, for being fresh graduate :D these are totally hand made and 100% originally me. :)

very big congratulations to you my love love sister! hope you'll find your soul, i mean job, you want most soon! amin

and this is a bonus, what i wore in the first day of midterm week.

striped shirt, dark blue jeans, favorite classic watch

be strong guys, keep your grateful and happiness! :D

Saturday, April 2, 2011



first post in April 2011. i can't give a surprising news, but at least i give you a welcome post for this month, hehe :D

but there must be a chance or something, rite? yeah, i'll post my surprise thing, this month too. and actually i want to share something but still no good time, let's see later. ahaha krik.

break a leg for midterm or your own test, guys! fighting!